Sunday, July 31, 2005

Quiz Show...

I'm still not in that great a mood, so in the vein of yesterday's survey, I have decided to waste away more time with those quizzes that always seem to pop up on people's blogs. So here we go...

The World's Shortest Personality Test
  • You are dignified, spiritual, and wise.
  • Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself.
  • You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books.

  • You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life.
  • You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world.
  • A good friend, you always give of yourself first.

Part Romantic Kisser
  • For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance
  • You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea
  • The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood
  • It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet
Part Expert Kisser
  • You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
  • You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
  • And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
  • When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable
What Kind of Kisser Are You?

Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage
  • You've dated enough to know what you want.
  • And that's marriage - with the right person.
  • You're serious about settling down some time soon.
  • Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to!
What's Your Ideal Relationship?

Your Brain is: 53.33% Female / 46.67% Male
  • Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
  • You are both sensitive and savvy
  • Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
  • But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?

You are .*  You are a wildcard.  You are everything to everybody.  You can't make up your mind as to what you want to be.

You are the most universal mythical beast ever. Sightings of the unicorn have been reported from all over the world, even in modern times. Unicorns are pure and incorruptible. In China, unicorns symbolized gentleness, good will, and wisdom. Christianity links the unicorn with Christ. It is said that unicorns would only allow virgin girls to see them, let alone touch them. They were easily lured into fatal ambushes by a virgin with some poachers waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes. A unicorn's horn was a highly prized possession, which was reputed to have great healing capabilities. With the touch of its horn, a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours. But when separated from the unicorn's body, the magic was significantly reduced. The unicorn had the body of a horse, a unique spiraling horn, and a lion's tail. They were pure white in color.

And that's all he wrote...

Saturday, July 30, 2005

And Survey Says...

Sorry about yesterday's post... I'm not really in the mood to talk about it yet, so I decided to just waste time with today's post, doing one of them surveys that always seems to end up in everyone's blog eventually... This was frankensteined together using lots of surveys which I found scattered all around the web, I just re-wrote a lot of the questions differently so they'd be in similar formats.


Your Gender?: Physically,...Male.
Your Sexual Orientation?: 100% straight, I love the ladies. ;D
Your Political Orientation?: Unconventional Conservative.
Your Heritage?: 1/2 Italian, 1/6 Irish, 1/6 English, 1/6 French.
Your Hair?: Brown, Collar-Length, and Bangs to the top of my eyes.
Your Eyes?: Blue (But it changes based on what I'm wearing.)
Your Dominant Hand?: Left.


Color?: Purple.
Number?: 69, Dude!
Day?: Saturday.
Month?: June.
Season?: Autumn.
Drink?: Raspberry Gingerale.
Animal?: Cat.


Favorite Food?: Tacos.
Favorite Snack?: Slim Jims.
Favorite Candy?: Oh, so many favorites to choose from... Gummy Bears, Reeces Pieces, Mounds, etc. Yum. *drools...*
Favorite Soup?: Chicken Noodle (non-condensed) or Ramen.
Favorite Cereal?: Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?: Not much for ice cream, but "Reeces Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream" if I had to choose.
Do you Twirl Your Spaghetti or Cut it?: Twirl, of course.


Your Weaknesses?: Redheads, Girls in long dresses, Girls in sweaters, Girls who are very...[Erm...we should just move on, hehe.]
Your Fears?: Being alone, betrayed, unloved... Oh, and large crowds with people watching me...
The Shoes You Wore Today?: Brown shoes (no clue what kind) with the laces cut short and tied at the hole (haven't tied my shoes since High School, ha!)
One Thing You'd Like to Achieve?: What used to be considered the "American Dream": Wife, House, Children, etc...

[Right now you're...]

Located in?: My Bedroom.
Wearing?: Blue T-Shirt and Blue Sweatpants (pajama clothing, hehe.)
Thinking about?: This Survey.
Listening to?: The hum of my air conditioner.

[What is...]

Your first thought upon waking up?: "No...I'm still tired..."
Your Bedtime?: Supposed to be 10:00 but usually 11-12. :S
The First Feature You Notice in the Opposite Sex?: Her Head (Hair, Face, Smile, etc...)
Your most missed memory?: French-kissing. *sigh...*

[Best and Worsts...]

Your Worst Physical Attribute?: Where to start...? My face and chin, I guess.
Your Best Physical Attribute?: Umm... Heh, no comment.
The Best Feeling in the World?: Loving and being loved.
The Worst Feeling in the World?: Having that love taken away from you, and realizing they never really love you to begin with.
The Worst Thing You Do?: Too much of a perfectionist sometimes.
The Best Thing You Do?: Look out for others and try to make them happy.
The Worst Thing Your Gender Does?: Give Birth. ;P
The Best Thing Your Gender Does?: Umm... Tough one for me to answer.

[Do You Believe in...]

Yourself?: Sometimes.
Your Friends?: Yeah.
Santa Claus?: Used to when I was younger.
Tooth Fairy?: I think I used to, I can't remember...
Destiny/Fate?: I believe everything is already planned out, but that we have a part in putting those plans into motion. It is too complicated to explain this without getting way too philosophical about the structure of timelines, though...
Angels?: Yes.
Ghosts?: Yes.
Extraterrestrials?: Possibly. But I believe they look like we do, and have never been here.
God?: Yes.
The Devil?: No.
Heaven and Hell?: Yes and Yes.


First Job?: Editor of the School Newspaper. (Yes, I got paid for it.)
First Screen Name?: "Paladin"
First Self-Purchased CD?: "Slaughter" - "The Wild Life"
First Concert?: "Def Leppard"
First Kiss?: Heather in May of 1994.
First Worst Enemy?: Shawn (During 3rd Grade)
First Best Friend?: Shawn (Starting in 4th Grade)
First True Love?: It's hard to answer that, I'm not even sure now...
First Pets: Cocoa and Squeeky (Cats)


Last CD Played?: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More With Feeling"
Last Concert?: "Matthew Sweet" & "Belly" (Double-Bill)
Last Kiss?: Wendy in November of 1995.
Last Movie Seen in the Theater?: "Sin City".
Last Beverage Drank?: Raspberry Gingerale.
Last Food Consumed?: Hot Dogs.
Last Phone Call?: My Mom.
Last Annoyance?: CompUSA and their opened games.
Last Ice Cream Eaten?: Peanut Butter and Chocolate.
Last Cry?: Yesterday.
Last Item Bought?: "Project: Snowblind" for PS2.


Current Mood?: Depressed.
Current Thing I should be doing?: Nothing, really...
Current Windows Open?: mIRC in an empty chatroom, Firefox, Notepad, and an IM with a silent Steph.
Current Desktop Wallpaper?: A Dragon.
Current Book being read?: "Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way"


Where do you Want to Live?: Never really thought of leaving, all my family is here...
What do you Want as a Career?: Making videogames. :D
Do You Want a Spouse?: I want a wife more than anything...
Do You Want Children? And if so, how many?: Yes. Ideally, one boy and one girl. Hopefully, atleast 1. But really, whatever my wife wants.
Do You Want Pets?: Yup, cats. :D

[Do you...]

Do You Smoke?: Never have.
Do You Drink?: wine coolers count? If so, then occasionally.
Do You do Drugs?: Never have.
Do You Swear?: Nope.
Do You Talk Dirty?: In general, no... With people I feel comfortable with, occasionally. When I was with my ex-girlfriend, hehe...
Do You Ever Spit?: Nope.
Do You Have Tattoos?: Nope.
Do You Have Piercings?: Nope.
Do You Have Scars?: A few, none are visible or noticeable, though...
Do You Crack Your Knuckles?: Yup.
Do You Bite Your Fingernails?: Nope.
Do You Make Your Bed Daily?: No time, I'm late, I'm late, late!
Do You Sing?: Only if nobody is around to hear me.
Do You Dance?: No clue how...
Do You Regret Anything?: Regrets? I've had a few...

[Unique Talents...]

Are you double-jointed?: I don't think so.
Can you roll your tongue?: Yup, if I use my lips as a guide, of course.
Can you trill your tongue?: Yup. It's grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?: Nope.
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Yup.
Can you cross your eyes?: Yup.

[Clothing and Grooming...]

Hair drying method?: Towel to make it less wet, and then hair dryer to actually dry it.
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: Yes, for a long time I put white stripes in my brown hair.
Which shoe goes on first?: Whichever fell closest to the closet entrance when I kicked them off.
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: About $20.
Do you wear any jewelry?: Nope. Hopefully a wedding band one day...
Do you wear glasses?: Not since I got my contacts. ;D
Do you wear a watch?: Nope, pocket-watch.
Favorite piece of clothing?: Don't really have one, but I like any of my dress pants. They're so light and soft. :D

[Love (Relationships...)]

Do You Have a Significant Other?: Sadly, no...
What Do You Miss The Most About Your Last Relationship?: Making her really, really hor...I mean, the companionship and love we felt together. (Yeah, that's the ticket...heh *nervous sweatdrops*)
What Do You Miss The Least About Your Last Relationship?: Boy, let's see... The pain, betrayals, mind-games, constant arguements... Boy, it's hard to find the major one...
Ever Cheated or Considered it?: Never.
Ever Been Cheated on?: Yes...
Ever Seduced Someone?: No, I don't think so.
Ever Been Seduced?: For a lack of a better term, yes...
Ever Fallen in Love With Someone of the Same Gender?: Never.
Ever Fallen in Love With a Friend's Significant Other?: Umm... I wouldn't say it was love, but it was while they were broken up...
Ever Fallen in Love With Someone Online?: Yes. And yes, she really was a female.
If So, Ever Meet Them in Person?: Never got to.

[Love (The Bedroom...)]

Are You Passive or Aggressive?: Erm... I will say that I always give the girl the lead; I live to serve her pleasure. ;)
Longest Session?: Well...I did kiss for almost eight hours straight, does that count?
Favorite Activity?: French-Kissing.
Least-Favorite Activity?: No Comment...
Kinkiest Activity?: No Comment!
Prefer Romance or Sex?: Romance.
Prefer Lights On or Off?: Lights on.
Prefer Standing or Lying?: Lying.
Prefer Bed or Floor?: Bed.
Prefer Carpet or Bare?: Bare.
Prefer Left or Right Side of the Bed?: Once I'm not sleeping alone, I'll let you know. ;)

Okay, that's enough of that, because I'm way too tired and I'm answering things I know I probably wouldn't have if I was more awake, and these type of questions just keep going on, hehehe... So sleep well everyone. 'Night.

Friday, July 29, 2005

The Sound of Silence...

There will be no post today. I have...nothing to say. I just want to be left alone. Go spend some time with your loved ones. Good night.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Never date a psycho!

So I woke up really tired last night from staying up so late writing out that last post. I know the time of it says 11:45 pm, but it was actually finished being written and posted at close to 1:30 am. O_O! (I had some chatting and other things slow me down -- darn you and your SA, Steph! ) So I eventually got to sleep at maybe around 2:00, and woke up at 7:00, which gave me a mere five hours of rest...

Last night, on the way home from work, I stopped by the eye place and picked up my contacts, but decided to wait until this morning to put them in. I managed to get them in fairly well (it'd been some five years since I last wore contacts) though I must admit I'm not exactly used to feeling them in there again. It feels kinda cloudy in my eyes.

And as I'm looking in the mirror at work, I suddenly remember one of the reasons why I stopped wearing contacts. Lately, I've had to answer questions, mostly from the people at the eye place, as to why I stopped wearing them. And I gave them what I thought was an honest answer; that I hated putting them in every morning. Of course, this was a major factor. But looking in the mirror earlier made me suddenly remember the one reason that I had long forgotten... I look much less attractive without my glasses. Ugh... Now people can focus on how my hair doesn't fall the right way instead, or that my face is just...plain. Whoopie! *Sighs*

I started hanging out in the cafetaria again this morning, now that I'm not as sick and the stars aren't shining as brightly in my eyes anymore. However, I walked in to find that someone had stolen my table! The table that I usually sat at off in the corner of the room (yeah, I'm a wallflower even in the most literal sense, I like to keep off to the sides next to the walls or in corners) was just totally gone! The chairs, they were there, sure. The table? Total splitsville. So I sat next to the wall at the table the girl I kinda liked often sat at. She came in, but the bigger guy she often sat with couldn't stay, so she didn't either. I did have a short conversation with her before she left, though. She said she wasn't really looking forward to leaving for her new job, as she doesn't like change. Which I can relate with; I don't like change very much at all...

Then at 9:00, I headed to my desk to begin work. Ended up finishing my first batch and went to take it down to drop it off around 10:50, when I noticed that girl I've been getting to be friends with was standing there talking to someone. Okay, I give up, I gotta give her a name to use instead of "that girl I've been getting to be friends with." It's just, I typically assign fake names based on personalities, and I couldn't really come up with a fake name to fit her's. Well, she's Irish, so how about..."Erin"? Works for me.

So anyways, as I approach Erin, she tells me that her ex-boyfriend is back to stalking her again (she thought he had given up yesterday, but apparently not.) She was now locked out of her work computer because of him. The way the computers are where I work, you have three chances to enter the correct password, and then you're locked out and you have to call the central place and have them give you a temp. password or something to get back in. Her ex even admitted to her that he's been trying to hack into her work login from where he works, and she changed the password to something he would never get in a million years, but he keeps trying, and it's ending up locking her out every single day. She has to keep calling them to issue her a new password, but she's worried that it's making her look incompetent. She's like, "Never date a psycho." Definitely great advice, which I really wish I had received long ago. Hehe.

She said she was going to tell her supervisor what's going on, in the hopes that maybe she'll be able to put a stop to her ex's hacking attempts. And I definitely wish her good luck with that. I just worry, though, because if he gets in trouble at work because of it, who knows what he'll do? I mean, the guy's a psychotic stalker, who's already been attempting to hack into her E-Mail, LiveJournal, hacking in at work, following her around...

Both me and that girl I kinda liked have played the part of a bodyguard for Erin, walking her out to her car after work, because of the chance that the ex might try something. I'm happy to do that, of course, but it still worries me because who knows what he's capable of... I don't want to see anything happen to her. Okay, so I worry too much. I admit that. But it's better to have a friend who worries too much than not at all, right?

Anyways, I hadn't taken my break by this point, so I used it to hang out at Erin's desk, talking to her for a bit while they worked on restoring her computer login. She showed me her bag, and how it had purple fuzz all over it from her sweater. That's when I noticed the purple sweater she was wearing, and immediately after that, I noticed she was wearing a long dress. Now anyone who knows me really well, knows that I have several weaknesses when it comes to females. Three of which are redheads (Erin's hair seems Auburn, which is close enough,) sweaters, and long dresses. You add in the fact that her sweater was my favorite color (purple) and all I can say is "wow!" She looked very pretty. I really wish I had brought in my camera today.

But how do you compliment a girl on how she looks without sending the wrong impression? I've never really complimented girls on their looks in the past (aside from my ex-girlfriend who would go psycho on me if I ever tell her she's pretty, or Steph because she's known me long enough for me to know she's not going to get the wrong impression.) It's not only because I'm rather shy and get embarrassed about saying such things, but because I'm afraid they might interpret an innocent comment like "You look pretty today" as something more like, "I've got the major hots for you, just looking at you makes me stand at attention, what I wouldn't give to ravage you six ways from Sunday!"

Well, two weeks ago, that girl I was kinda attracted to came into work wearing a very pretty long blue dress. I noticed this right away, after all, I saw stars whenever I looked at her, so there was no way I could possibly miss this, what with my weakness for girls in long dresses. But there was also no way I could possibly just come out tell her that her dress was really pretty and she looked nice. But I did manage to work up the nerve after two hours to say it in an E-Mail. I mean, I just had to tell her, not only because I wanted to compliment her, but if I was ever going to get up the nerve to ask her out, I had to start somewhere. (For what it's worth, she replied saying "Thank you. :-) What a nice thing to say!", so I was happy.)

At this time, Erin was telling me how the two of them were rather mischevious, and I jokingly said I would have to keep an eye on them then, especially today. Now, I could have left off the "especially today" part, but I tacked it on there as a way of prodding myself to go through with complimenting the girl I liked. Erin asked why today especially, and I said it was because this other girl looked very pretty that day. But as soon as I sent that, it clicked in my head; "Is it a good thing to compliment one girl in front of a different girl without complimenting that girl as well?" That's like saying, "Hey, this other girl's pretty, but you're chopped liver."

So in my next E-Mail to Erin, I said how I hadn't actually seen her that day, so I couldn't honestly give her a compliment as well. She jokingly said she didn't need compliments from people (I'm starting to wonder how much of it was joking though, as she really doesn't seem to like being complimented...) But, I swung by her desk as she was working, and E-Mailed her back letting her know now that I saw her that day, she looked nice too. Which wasn't a lie, she did look pretty (I mean, she's got the auburn hair thing going on, she's always going to look pretty,) but I guess it wasn't really too sincere either...

But today, Erin really did look very pretty, so before I left for my appointment at the oral surgeon, I stopped by her desk to make sure the girl I kinda liked wasn't there training her, and then sent her an E-Mail with a PS that read something along the lines of: "PS: Don't read this the wrong way, because I'm not complimenting you for the same reason I complimented her two weeks ago, but you look very nice today." (I needed to make sure this other girl wasn't there so that she didn't read the PS and realize one of the reasons I complimented her two weeks ago is because I was attracted to her.)

I figure, I may not have really been too sincere two weeks ago, but I owed it to her to be sincere today, because she definitely had it coming to her today. I was rather worried, though, because I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. I think of her as a friend, and I didn't want things to get weird between us if she got the wrong impression, you know? And "Erin", if you ever actually do end up reading this some day, don't hold any of this against me.

Anyways, I split to the oral surgeon soon after, and it took an hour to get there. Then, I ended up in the waiting room for another hour and a half or so because they had two emergencies come up. O_O! Then finally I get in there, and after a consultation which cost me $80 (!) they told me that the work on my teeth is going to cost me $298! And that's after my dental insurance takes care of their part. They set up an appointment for me on Sept. 2nd, which will actually give me four days to heal since I'll have Labor Day off. I ended up leaving the oral surgeon at 4:30, and I got home around 5:45 (We stopped at Subway on the way, and I got myself another nice, tasty sub. Yum!)

Sometime during the ride home, I remembered Erin telling me she was staying overtime tonight, and that's when it hit me... "Oh, crap... The girl I kinda liked leaves work at 4:30, so she's not going to walk Erin to her car, and I'm not there to do it... What if the ex ambushes her on the way out?!" I started to worry, so I E-Mailed her at work, and she said another co-worker of her's was going to play bodyguard that night. So my fears were relieved. Never, ever date a psycho!

Anyways, I'm off to watch tonight's Angel and hopefully have time for the final episode of Hercules on DVD. 'Night all.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

How do I get into these type of things?

So today started out like any other day, woke up tired, dragged myself out of bed and to the shower, etc. Got to work, and the day began as usual. Well, usual for this last week atleast... I arrive at work on average around a half-hour early every day, and usually I hang out in the office cafetaria and play my Nintendo DS. Except, I stopped doing that last Wednesday, for two reasons:

  • First, Monday is the day I came down with that cold, and I was out on Tuesday. So once Wednesday came along, I didn't want to be in an environment, such as a cafetaria, where I could spread my cold to people. I am still not fully over my cold (I still have a cough and stuffed nose...)
  • Second, the girl I'm attracted to usually hangs out in there before work as well, often talking to this bigger man (her boyfriend perhaps?) Monday is the day I found out that she's already involved with another guy... So since any possibility there is dead, I just wanted to spend time allowing the "stars" to dissipate a little bit to make it easier on me...
What are the stars, you ask? It's difficult for me to explain... I guess it's easiest just to say that the stars are what guides me in love. Everyone out there looks at other people and find them either physically attractive or not. It's just something that God, or Nature, or whoever's in charge of the grand design puts into us. But for me, just because a girl is attractive, it doesn't mean I would want to have a relationship (neither romantic or sexual) with her. What tells me that the girl is someone I want to pursue, is if I look at her and I see stars.

It doesn't even have to be physical attraction. Personality is a must, and then it's a combination of other things, such as body language, wit, quirkiness, perhaps her smile, or my personal weaknesses (hair color, style of dress, etc.) In fact, my taste in girls is practically the complete opposite of most men. I don't fall head-over-heels for the sultry, sexbomb-type with breasts big enough to get their own zip code. I like the sweet, innocent, fresh-faced, no-makeup, girl-next-door types...

This used to drive my ex-girlfriend completely up a wall. She'd show me pictures of supermodels she'd find online, and be like, "Wow, she's so beautiful", and I'd look at the girl and reply, "I suppose, I don't think she's all that special." And she'd be like, "Yeah, right, that's what you always say, stop being so fake!" I'd show her a girl I think is attractive, and she'd be like, "Eww..." *Sighs*

But, I digress... Anyways, I have no control over the stars, they just happen (well, that's not entirely true, I seem to have minimal control in a non-direct way, in that they don't show up on multiple girls at once, and if I'm involved with a girl, they'll never show up on another girl, only my girlfriend.) But in a round-about way, that's my explaination of the "stars". Just a little romantic nonsense, I guess.

Anyways, I haven't been going to the cafetaria in the mornings because like I said, I didn't want to spread my cold and to let the stars dissipate (which they seem to be doing fairly well.) Today, I got into work and headed to my desk, turned on the fan and dropped off my book and camera (more on that later,) and then headed to the bathroom due to a stomach-ache. I passed the girl I liked and the girl I've been talking to on the way, and I was happy to see the latter.

She recently came out of a bad relationship, with a guy who totally broke her heart (I don't know the entire story yet, but basically he really did a number on her.) It's sad, she seems like a really nice girl... But as I mentioned several posts ago, she had the week off. On Thursday, I saw her at work because a co-worker of our's was having her goodbye party (she left for another organization) and this other girl came in that day for her party to see her off.

I talked with her for a bit at the party to discover that her ex-boyfriend has been stalking her all week... She had taken the week off to go somewhere with him, and he took the tickets back when she broke up with him for good. So he'd been using his week off to stalk her. O_O! Broke into her E-Mail, her LiveJournal, following her around... It's horrible.

I asked her if he was dangerous, and she said she didn't know. I was like, "What I mean is, are you safe?" And she said she didn't know, but that she could probably take him if it came to that. Which is certainly good news. But her not knowing if she was safe or not kinda had me a bit worried, since I'd hate to see him try to do anything to her. Which is why I was happy to see her in today.

I talked to her a bit throughout the day, and as it turns out, the girl whom I kinda liked is training her to pick up her job once she leaves in 7 days. Which is a job that this other girl isn't in too much of a hurry to take. And it seems to me like a lot of responsibility... But I didn't talk to her much today, since I knew she was training. But I did want to tell her what happened last week regarding a co-worker, so I asked if I could walk her to her car and I could tell her there (there are some topics you just don't discuss over E-Mail.)

The story basically goes like this. I have a co-worker, I'll call him..."Marvin". Okay, so Wednesday I'm working and Marvin makes a comment to me about girls, and I can't really remember what it is now, but at the time, I didn't think much of it. Then on Thursday, I'm sitting at my desk, being trained by a female co-worker, and Marvin happens to pass by and gives this look, before saying to us "Wow, you're lucky, I don't get a pretty girl sitting at my desk." Again, innocent comment, you know? But then on Friday, things start to fall into place, atleast in my mind.

See, Marvin is a photographer, and he takes a lot of pictures of nature which he sells. He's not good at coming up with titles, so he asks co-workers. Me and Edgar would help, and there was one inparticular picture of a flower and a butterfly, where the flower looks like it was an erupting volcano top shooting lava into the air, and the butterfly was sitting inside it. He calls me to his desk when he see me, and says that one of the supervisors came up with a great name for it; "Pole Dancer." I was like, "Yeah, that kinda fits." And he says, "Well, I figured you'd like it, what with your philosophy on females."

This raises an eyebrow for me. My "philosophy on females"? What does he even know about that, I've never discussed such things with him... And then my mind flashes back to what this girl I've been getting to know told me about Edgar. She said he was making stuff up about my sex life and telling people about it. Had he told this to Marvin?

So later I go and ask him, "What exactly is my philosophy on females?"
He laughs, and manages to squeek out, "Well, just your interest in them."
"My interest in them? Why, because I'm straight?", I reply.
He laughs.
"I know Edgar likes to portray me as some kind of ladies' man, but compared to Edgar, I am a ladies' man," I reply.
He laughs and says, "That's true." (Edgar is gay, by the way.) He continues, "You know I'm just joking around. You're an easy target, don't take it seriously."

I realize he's just joking around, really. I like Marvin, he seems nice and he's cool to talk to. I just don't particularly like the idea of him having the notion that I'm the type of person Edgar makes me out to be. Some guys might be flattered at the idea of people thinking he's some kind of ladies' man, but I'm not. Edgar has absolutely no clue about my "philosophy" when it comes to females. And Marvin would probably be shocked if he heard it, given the type of impression that Edgar gave him.

What is my "philosophy" when it comes to females? I never really gave it that much of a thought... I mean, as far as one gender over the other, I've always believed men and women are equals. In fact, I've always gotten along better with females, I've just always felt a lot closer to them than I have males. And like I said to Marvin, of course I'm interested in girls, I mean, I am a straight man after all. But unlike Marvin and Edgar would believe, I am not interested in "girls" so much as "a girl" (even if I haven't met that particular girl yet.) That's a bit complicated, so let me try to explain it better...

I've always been a romantic. Even as a child, my dream was the same then as it is today; to have a loving wife and a marriage full of love and romance. I dream of romance like you wouldn't believe. It's like, even my fantasies are romantic. Most men don't have romantic fantasies, they have sexual ones. And I'm not going to lie and say I don't have sexual fantasies every so often, but they're not these typical hedonistic fantasies like most men would say, the type where love takes a backseat to pleasure.

My major fantasy? I imagine a cool, Autumn evening... The rain is gently drizzling outside, while a gentle breaze comes in from the window. I'm lying down on the couch, with my arms wrapped around my girlfriend, as we cuddle under a blanket in front of the fireplace. That's it. Well, okay, maybe I might stroke her hair back behind her ear, or kiss the back of her neck every so often, but the entire mood is pure romance. That's my type of fantasy... No threesomes, no one-night stands with some anonymous sexbomb who'll do anything no matter how kinky and then disappear from their life afterwards.

So as a romantic, I am more interested in the love aspect of a relationship than the sex aspect. I do not treat girls like sex-objects, I am not interested in being with multiple girls, I am extremely monogamous, I am just looking for "the one." Which totally contradict's Marvin's illusion that I'm some kind of ladies' man. I have the utmost respect for women and when I'm involved with one, I treat her like a Goddess. I give her control and let her take the lead with everything. My "philosophy" when it comes to women? That it is my job to make her happy. Her happiness and making her feel good is my only desire, because if it makes her happy, then I'm happy.

Okay, *deep breath* Enough of the rant. It just bothers me so much to have someone consider me to be something that's the total opposite of what I believe in...

So anyways, soon after lunch, I get up to look for help on something I'm doing, and as it turns out, all my co-workers and supervisors were missing. All of them! So I'm standing there, and Edgar comes walking back towards his desk, which happens to be right next to mine.

He points at the guy he was just talking to and says, "You know, he's gay."
And I'm like, "Uh...okay..."
He's like, "Yup. You know, I was 30 years old when I went into my first bar, gay or otherwise."
* Kain blinks. (Why is he telling me this?)
He continues, "I saw this guy staring at me from across the room, and I didn't know what was going on, so I went over to talk to him."
* Kain looks around (Marvin? Someone? Please help me...)
He continues, "Next thing I know he's unzipping his pants."
* Edgar nods blissfully.
He continues, "My friends all decided to go home, but that's okay, because I went home with this other guy..."
* Kain nods uncomfortably.
"Okay...", I say.
* Edgar points out this other girl.
"You know she's gay, right?" he asks.
"No, I didn't know that... Until I know otherwise, I usually assume everyone to be...normal," I reply.
(Okay, so I know it wasn't the best choice of word, but it's the only one I could think of at the time.)
"What do you mean, normal?" he asks, not menacingly, but in a way where he knows I just opened myself up for some egging-on.
"You know..." I say, before pausing to try to find the right word, "The original..."
"The original... what?" he eggs on a bit more.
"The original design. You know, the way nature designed us. Men and woman have interlocking parts for a reason. You know, nature made it so it requires both a man and a woman to produce life... Because opposites attract, men and woman are supposed to compliment each other..."

(I specifically avoided saying "the way God designed us" so as not to turn this into some sort of religous debate. He has already accused me of being religous in the past, which is entirely not true. Not in the traditional sense, atleast. I don't follow an organized religion, or go to church, or pray, or do any of those type of things generally associated with religion. Do I believe in a God? Yeah; the world, the elements, nature, life, consciousness, it's all too complex to not have some sort of grand design, if it was left to chance it'd all be chaos. Do I have a set of morals I follow? Sure. But because they're what I consider the right things, not because some man who thinks God talks to him has told me so. But I digress...)

"Nature isn't always like that," Edgar responds, "Sheep, for example, will screw any other sheep regardless of gender."
"Yeah, and Penguins are completely monogamous, as are wolves," I reply.
"I'm monogamous," he replies.
"You've only been with that one man?" I ask.
"No," he replies with a laugh.
"I'm talking about mating for life. I'm talking about being intimate with one person and one person only, and never with anyone else for the rest of your life. That's what these animals are like," I reply.
"That type of thing is such a small percentage now," he replies.
"If you say so," I said, "But that's what I believe in."
"You're the one that should be the PK," he says ("Preacher's Kid" - referring to Marvin.)
"No, that would drive me up a wall," I replied.

At this point, Marvin was just returning to his desk, and I went over to get his help with the problem I was having (Marvin's desk is on the other side of Edgar's, opposite of mine.) So while Marvin's looking over what I brought him, Edgar tells me I'm too "straight and narrow". I asked him to explain, and basically it was the equivelant of a stuffed-shirt, plain-jane type. Or in layman's terms, the kind who, when he's in bed with a girl, would probably be interested in only doing the most basic of acts and that's it.

"I may be straight, but I'm not that," I reply.
"Oh?" he says, obviously trying to get some kind of juicy tidbit of information from me.

So now, I have a dilemma. Do I said, "No, Edgar, I have a very passionate, wild side to me, especially when it comes to doing practically whatever I can to please the girl, no matter how kinky she might be," or do I basically agree with him and make myself sound like some kind of plain-jane type? I chose silence.

I said, "You know, I really just don't know how to answer that."
And then I quickly asked Marvin about the paper I brought him to change the subject.
Edgar then says to me, "You want to see a picture of safe sex?"
Already I have horrible visions of what this could possibly be.
"No, that's okay," I said.
But rather than sparing me, Edgar pulls out of a close up photograph of male genitalia with a padlock going through it.
"SAFE sex," he says.
Now I'm not sure what color red my face turned, but I was like, "Yeah, uh...thanks..." and took my paper and headed back to my seat.
And I wondered why it is, that if him or I had been female, he'd have gotten in trouble for a stunt like that, but the fact that we're both physically men, somehow that's okay...

The day ended, and before I left, I took a picture of my cubicle. I brought the camera in, actually, just because Marvin wanted to see what type of digital camera I had, but while I had it here, I thought it'd be nice to take a pic of my "home away from home."

Afterwards, I walked the girl out to the car telling her the whole story of Marvin, and now everything that Edgar put me through. She said it's not okay for him to have done that and I have the option to report him. I'm not going to do that, though. I mean, part of me doesn't want to get him in trouble, part of me doesn't want to admit to seeing a picture like that, and really it's just not a big deal. I mean, if this was something I came across while surfing the web alone, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. It'd just the fact that someone showed it to me in person, especially someone I wasn't very close to, that makes me uncomfortable...

How do I get into these type of things? I just wanted help with my work...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Dream a little dream of me...

No long rant today, I'm all tuckered-out. Yesterday, I spent most of the day at my aunt's house, for my uncle's parents' 65th anniversary party, and didn't get home until late. Now today, I slept really late, played Canvas Curse for a while, and watched some DVDs. The whole weekend is practically over now.

I had an unusual dream last night, but I've totally forgotten all about it. O_O! Which reminds me, I never got to write about the dream I had about my ex-girlfriend a couple nights ago. It was bound to happen eventually, as I still have dreams about my first ex-girlfriend, Heather, on occasion, so having dreams about my last one was only a matter of time.

With Heather, it's always the same type of deal. I find myself back in school for whatever reason (often it's something silly; for example, they'd discover I didn't have enough credits to graduate, so they'd send me back. Except, my friends from school would be there too as well, but obviously, being a dream, it's not really supposed to be logical.) Anyways, I'd be in a school, and from out of nowhere, Heather would also be there. She's start off nice and friendly, talking to and joking around with me, etc. and I'd talk to her and we'd act like we were a couple again. And then from out of nowhere, just like what happened in real life, she'd suddenly change on me, treat me like I didn't matter and I was her worst enemy.

So with my latest ex-girlfriend, the dream begins fine. I'm at home, working on the computer, and she'd suddenly message me and we'd start talking. We'd be joking around, having fun, she'd flirt with me, and then when I think everything is okay and I start to flirt back, she suddenly begin yelling at me and tell me how horrible of a person I am. Except, of course, the environment has morphed now, so we're no longer instant messaging each other from different houses, but we're physically close-by. In different rooms, but still within eye-sight of each other. We'd be watching each other from across the rooms, but I'd be typing, trying to talk things out, and she'd have this look on her face like as if she was anger incarnate.

I don't know, I guess this is just what happens with lack of closure, the mind never really lets go of the pain and betrayal...

I need sleep. 'Night all.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


*Scratchy throat voice* Okay, I'm sick... I woke up this morning with a massive headache and my sore throat even worse... My ears felt like they were about to pop, and my nose was alternating between stuffy and runny... So I called in sick from work today, and took some DayQuil. Hoping to be feeling better tomorrow... Went back to sleep until I was all slept out, and then just relaxed on my bed while finishing up Valkyrie Profile. I can now finally put it aside and move onto something else, yay! I am ticked that I didn't get to complete the voice collection, though... I'll have to try to figure out a way to GameShark myself a complete voice collection on an emulator, and then Dex Drive the save onto my memory card...

Ah well, I am tired, though, so I'm going to head off to sleep and hope I feel better tomorrow. 'Night all.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Crashed and burned...

Well, I got into work this morning and suddenly developed a horrible sore throat, which continued on for the day. I still have it, I think it's the first sign that I'm coming down with a cold.

Well, today I begin the sulking process once more...

At work, we have this guy, I'll call him...Edgar. During the picnic, Edgar seemed to have his pulse on what goes on in the office, regarding things like relationships and such. So about three weeks ago (two days before I went out to the bar with that group from work,) I pulled Edgar off someplace where others would not hear us, and I asked him about this girl I'm attracted to. It was simple things, "Is she seeing anyone, how old is she, etc.?" and told him I just wanted to get to know her as a friend. He said she was single, and a couple years older than I was (which is a first for me, usually I'm attracted to girls younger than my own age.)

So for the next couple weeks, I admired her from afar, trying to work up the courage to ask her out (something I've never done in my life.) We had a couple chats here and there, but I choke trying to talk to girls I'm attracted to offline but not involved with. But finally, today, I decided I had enough with the anxiety and waiting, and I wanted to make a move. The problem is, as I stated, I've never asked a girl out in my life. All the girlfriends I've had, I was either set up with, or they hit on me...

So I asked this other girl at work who I've been getting to be friends with (the one who gave me a lift to the bar) if I could walk her to her car after work, because I wanted advice. So I met with her at 5:00 and after a bit of stalling (it wasn't easy for me,...) I asked her how you ask someone out. The first thing she said is to make sure the girl is single (check!) and then if you're friends with her, you could try inviting her to a group event. I said we weren't really that good of friends, and she asked me who it was. I said, "Take a guess." (she's best friends with this girl I like, so it should be an easy guess for her.) She said she didn't know, because she couldn't think of any girls who are single (I felt my heart sink a bit...) I was like, "You've got one guess, I know you can do it..." And as I suspected, she guessed correctly. I gave her a little smirk, and then I heard it,..."She's involved with someone, though..."

I told her how Edgar told me she was single, and she said never to listen to anything Edgar says, that he thinks he knows the personal business of everyone in the office, but doesn't know a thing, he makes things up just to gossip...

And of course, I felt like a total idiot,... but she said I shouldn't feel that way. I asked her if she thought I'd have had a chance if I had asked this girl, and she said she didn't know. I said, "Well, based on the type of guy I am and the type of guy she likes." And she said probably not, as this girl can be kind of an odd duck. Which I admit, is one of the things I find attractive about her, I like quirky and silly girls...

Okay, off to sulk for the rest of the night... 'Night all...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

[Insert Witty Title Here]

Okay, I got nothin' today. The last two days, I've been very tired... I think I'm severely lacking in sleep. Fell asleep early yesterday, and half-asleep now. Only one more day to go until the weekend, so off I go. 'Night all.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Out like a light...

Missed yesterday's post. I was just totally drained, this has been a rough week for me, so as soon as I got in, I crashed in bed for about an hour, watched the episode of Angel that the VHS taped earlier in the day, then went back to sleep and ended up sleeping until late this morning.

I woke up, and had to get ready to go out to my grandmother's 80th surprise birthday party. That lasted practically all day, and now here I am back home and very tired again. So I'm not going to write too much, I just need to relax.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Where'd Wednesday go?

Well, I've missed a post yesterday... Quite honestly, I had so much on my mind yesterday, that I totally forgot about my blog until my PC was turned off, and I was in bed and half asleep. Unfortunately, I didn't get as much sleep as I needed, and ended up practically falling asleep at work a couple times today. I was like, "Damn you, eyes, stop crossing on me!" *shakes head until vision is back to normal.*

I need to get more rest, though, so I'm going to cut this post short and try to get to sleep early tonight. Tomorrow is Friday, yay!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Today we celebrate our Independence Day!

And then a bunch of Martians' heads explode from listening to Puberty Love. ...or something like that.

Today was rather uneventful. Woke up late, and watched my Eurotrip DVD I picked up yesterday. I always purchase unrated versions not so much for the extra violence or nudity, but because to me it's closer to a director's cut, and I want more bang for my buck. I learned, upon watching it, that this whole time, Cinemax has been airing the unrated version. I can only image what the rated version is like. Hopefully a lot less visual on the beach. Eww...

Then I hopped on the PC and surfed the web for a while, and tried out a bunch of clothing I had hanging in my closet for years, and ended up tossing out all but two things. Played some more of Valkyrie Profile. I started the final leg of the last course, and by the time I got to the first save point, 45 minutes of story had passed... Youch.

Ex-Girlfriend suddenly unblocked me and appeared, asking me for some files that she had lost when her HD died a while back, which I spent the rest of the night until after my bedtime sending her... I swear, my loyalty to people is going to be the death of me one day. However, now, it is an hour past my bedtime, and I must go, because I really am tired, and I need to make it up in the morning. So 'night all.

Friday, July 01, 2005

We're all in the mood for a melody, and you've got us feeling alright...

So, I'm at work today, and I get an E-Mail from a co-worker telling me that a group of them are getting together after work at a local bar, if I wanted to join them. Now, being that I don't drink, I've never been to a bar before. However, I was interested in getting to be friends with all of them, so I said sure. Though I have my license, I don't own a car, so she said she'd give me a lift there (it's literally right down the street.) I just have to call for a ride to pick me up at the end of it all.

So at 5:00, I meet up with her, and we swing by and grab another girl who she's also giving a lift there. We rode a bit of the ways down the street, and entered the bar. It was just how she said; a small place, not too crowded, and not crawling with college people just trying to pick up one another. When we got there, one girl from work was already there (the one who gave me a lift back to the office after the picnic.)

The four of us sat around for a while, mostly watching the news on the television which was basically hovering over our table. Soon, another woman for work arrived, and ordered a pitcher of beer for her and the other three. Everyone was talking, as eventually the girl I'm kinda attracted to arrived with a friend of her's, a woman from a different office whom I met at the picnic. And finally, after a bit more talking, another girl from my office arrived. And we were basically all assembled.

For those not keeping count, that's me and seven girls. Which I admit, I didn't have a problem with what-so-ever. Heh. I'm sure some of the guys in the other groups may have seen me hanging out with seven girls and thought I was gay or something, but who cares, I got to hang out with seven girls and they didn't. Ha!

So the group basically sat around and talked for a while, though eventually after maybe an hour or so, one other male showed up. He was, I can only guess, the significant other to the girl who drove me back to the office after the picnic. He sat next to her and stayed for maybe a half-hour to an hour, and then split to go do something or other. The girls decided to get a game of darts going, and asked if I was playing, so I said sure. It was my first time playing, but the rules were kinda easy once they were explained to me.

Everyone starts with 301 points, and then throws the three darts at the board. Whichever number is above the radius segment that you land on, that number is subtracted from your score. Mind you, that there are several rings in the dartboard as well, and if you get the dart in the smaller portions of the radius (seperated by the rings,) you get either double or triple that point value subtracted from you. The point is to be the first to get exactly zero, and if you go lower than zero, your score resets itself to where it was at the beginning of the round.

It was four players, and I won the first game. One of the girls who played the first game sat out while another girl stepped in, and she won the second game. Soon after this, the food had arrived. I ordered a chicken fajita wrap, which was actually quite tasty, while some others ordered the special (pizza), chicken, nachos, etc. We ate, and talked about various things like movies, etc.

After we were done eating, we noticed the sky had gotten unusually dark for that time of night. It was related to the bad storm we were having. Some of us got up and went outside to look up at the sky, and it was very dark blue and purple. Then the three of them stood around aside and had a smoke. Which I have to admit, made the girl I was kinda attracted to a lot less attractive, since I really hate the act of smoking.

Soon the girl who was my ride after the picnic had to leave, and the rest of us hung around talking, joking around, and listening to different songs on the jukebox. "Piano Man" was certainly a fan-favorite; four of them ended up really getting into it, singing and swaying, and during one song, as two were just singing, another two got up and started dancing with each other, which I have to admit was actually kinda cute to watch. Hehe.

Eventually, as people got tired, some made their calls for rides, and I borrowed the cellphone of the girl who E-Mailed me and gave me a lift to the bar, to call for mine. We listened to a couple more songs, and then headed towards the door to leave, and when we got outside and it was totally pouring. Being the gentleman I am (and the only guy there,) I held the door open for them as they made mad dashes to the cars. I got to the car, got a lift back to the office, and then waited in the lobby until my ride showed up. I told the girl who E-Mailed me to definitely let me know the next time it was going on.

I got home, hopped on the PC intending to write this all up, but the storm was really bad by then, and I had to wait.

On a side note, I've now had the blog a month, and am actually surprised I've managed to post every day. This must be some kind of record for me. Heh.