Thursday, September 01, 2005

You say hello, I say good-bye...

Tomorrow is the oral surgeon appointment... Just incase I don't make it, I just want to say it's been...educational...writing this blog. It's been instrumental in allowing me to express my feelings openly to whomever might want to read them, rather than just rolling around in my head; and it's also had it's part in hurting things that seemed like they were going good.

I've learned a lot, which is a good thing...especially considering the prices some of the lessons had. The blog has been a major part of my life since I started writing it, believe it or not. Just for the fact that nothing else happens in my life, and by writing my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, I get to preserve them in time, unrestricted by the fading memories of days gone by, when my mind clicks back to "reality."

In fact, before settling on "Kain's Domain", I was going to call it "The Stream". Because it was going to be a "stream of consciousness" type of blog, to write about all the things that cross my mind in a day. I couldn't make a nice enough picture of a stream for the logo, though, so I changed it. But I still write about everything that I think about, which I guess isn't a good idea sometimes...

To all the readers who have been coming here and putting up with my depressed state lately, I thank you. If I survive the surgery, I will let you all know as soon as possible. If ya'll never hear from me again...well, thank you and good-bye.


At 3:37 AM, September 02, 2005, Blogger Stephanie Woods said...

Honey, it's oral surgery, that's pretty minor. ;)

I'm sure if I can survive having my gallbladder removed, you can survive oral surgery. :)


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